
There are several ways how one can install packages locally:

  1. Spack package manager

  2. EJPM package manager

  3. Combined Conda+EJPM isntallation

  4. Manual build

What packet manager to use? The recommendation is: to use EJPM for personal laptops with Linux OS for personal use and development. Use Spack on farms or if you are familiar with Spack or use Spack for other projects.

Read more here: “Detailed comparison between EJPM and Spack

Use ejpm

EJPM is still available and mantained but further development is concentrated around Spack packet manager

ejpm is EIC software centric package/build manager. It is the designed to be the default tool to build G4E on users machine, as it helps with:

  • building dependent packages (with “right” compilation flags)

  • setup environment variables to run everything

  • what packages to install by system packet manager

  • rebuild/update/remove/clean existing packages

Still, ejpm is not a requirement.

First, install ejpm itself:

pip install --user ejpm

(If you have certificate problems (JLab issue), don’t have pip, or have other problems, here is the detailed documentation )

Install g4e and possible other EIC packets (ejana, eic-smear, etc.)

# 1. System prerequesties
ejpm req centos g4e      # get list of required OS packets. Use `ubuntu` on debian  
sudo yum install ...     # install watever 'ejpm req' tells you

# 2. Where to install
ejpm --top-dir=<where-to>   # Directory where packets will be installed

# 3. Config: it is suggested to use C++17 if compiler allows it
ejpm config global cxx_standard=17 

# 4. Install
ejpm install g4e            # install 'Geant 4 EIC' and dependencies (like vgm, hepmc)

# 5.  Source environment
source ~/.local/share/ejpm/  # Use *.csh file for tcsh

You have ROOT and Geant4 and don’t want EJPM to build them?(Use your installations of ROOT and Geant4)

# Before running 'ejpm install g4e'
ejpm set root `$ROOTSYS`    # Path to ROOT installation
ejpm set geant <path>       # Path to Geant4 installation   

(!) If you use your version of ROOT, all packages depending on ROOT should be installed with the same C++ standard flags as root. So it it was C++11 or C++17, it should be used everywhere. To set it in ejpmejpm config global cxx_standard=17

Hint (!). Run ejpm to overview all installed packets, environment and status by ‘ejpm’ command

Here is the sample output:

> ejpm

EJPM v0.01.19
top dir :
state db :
    ~/.local/share/ejpm/db.json  (users are encouraged to inspect/edit it)
env files :

    * /eic/vgm/vgm-v4-5 (owned) 
    * /eic/root/root-v6-16-00 (owned)
      /eic/geant/geant-v10.5.0 (owned)
    * /eic/geant4-10.6-betta
    * /eic/hepmc/hepmc-HEPMC_02_06_09 (owned) 
    * /eic/g4e/g4e-dev (owned)

Spack install

Spack is a package management tool designed to support multiple versions and configurations of software on a wide variety of platforms and environments. Spack allows to automatically build target packages with all needed dependencies. Sapck documentation

The installation consist of 3 steps then:

  1. Install spack itself

  2. Install EIC repository (with EIC packages)

  3. Run spack command to install g4e (or other packages)

Install spack and EIC repository

git clone

#Source environment

# For bash/zsh users
$ . spack/share/spack/

# For tcsh/csh users
$ source spack/share/spack/setup-env.csh

You should be able now to use spack:

spack info root

(!) By default, all packages will be downloaded, built and installed in this spack directory

More documentation on spack installation

Clone and add eic-spack repository:

# Adding the EIC Spack Repository
git clone

# Add this repository to your Spack configuration
spack repo add eic-spack

Install and use g4e with spack

To install g4e with spack (this will install the latest stable version)

spack install g4e

To install concrete version of spack:

spack info g4e            # to see the available versions
spack install g4e@1.3.7   # 

To see what is going to be installed/built

spack speck -I g4e

To use G4E with spack:

spack load g4e

# or with exact version
spack load g4e@1.3.7

More documentation of spack usage

Develop with spack

The simplest way to have g4e development version where everything is installed with spack is to load g4e installed by Spack and then redirect environment variables to your development directory

spack install g4e@master
spack load g4e@master
export G4E_HOME=/your/g4e/development/directory
mkdir build &&cd build

CMake build

git clone
mkdir g4e/build
cd g4e/build
cmake -DGEANT4_DIR=<geant4 installation> ../


  • Geant4

    • CMake flag: GEANT4_DIR

  • VGMProvides export to CERN.ROOT geometry

    • Env. variable: VGM_DIRECTORY or VGM_DIR

    • CMake flag: VGM_DIRECTORY

  • HEPMC2 Required to open Pythia8 and other HepMC2 compatible MC files

    • Env. variable: HEPMC_DIR or HEPMC_ROOT_DIR


  • Cern ROOTRequired for IO and some histogramming

    • Environment variable: ROOTSYS


CMake flags

Additional flags: WITH_GEANT4_UIVIS = ON Build with Geant4 UI and Vis drivers. Default CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD = 11 - C++ standard used.