Subdetector design

The word “detector” is ambiguous. In this text and code we use “subdetector” to reference a single part of an experimental setup (E.g. calorimeter, vertex tracking). And “main-detector” to reference the whole experimental setup (e.g. JLEIC, BEAST, ePHENIX)

Quick design overview

In order to maintain many subdetectors G4E tries to isolate each individual subdetector. Each subdetector files are located in src/subdetectors directory. There is no strict API for a subdetector (such as particular base class), but there are a number of recommendations.

Each subdetector:

  • lives in its own directory located at src/subdetectors

  • has <subdetector-name>_Config structure that holds public subdetector parameters (dimensions, number of layers, etc)

  • has <subdetector-name>_Design class that holds geometry creation and other logic

  • may obtain extended information (such as root output file, user flags, etc) through InitializationContext class

  • may have its own independent UserActions (such as EventAction) through MultiActionInitialization

  • may use common sensitive detector classes or provide its own

Main-detectors construction in G4E:

In order to add subdetector one has to:

  • Add detector related files to src/subdetectors

  • Add classes <subdetector-name>_Config and <subdetector-name>_Design

  • Add subdetector to main-detector Detector-Construction class

Adding subdetector

2. <subdetector-name>_Config and <subdetector-name>_Design paradigm:

Subdetectors may have pretty complex logic in order to decouple it from the rest of G4E code it is recommended, that for each of the subdetector one creates <subdetector-name>_Config and <subdetector-name>_Design.

  • <detector-name>_Config is a flat structure (with Geant4 messenger if needed) with parameters that might be changed from global detector construction.

  • <detector-name>_Design - a class with at minimum Construct and ConstructDetectors methods that is called from main-detector construction in order co create geometry. This class may have other methods to construct details and manipulate the subdetector.


The minimal <detector-name>_Config may look like this:

struct ce_GEM_Config {
    double RIn = 0 * cm;      // Inner diameter
    double ROut = 95 * cm;    // Outer diameter
    double SizeZ = 30 * cm;   // Size in Z direction
    double PosZ =0*cm;        // Absolute Z position (set by DetectorConst.)
    int Nlayers =8;           // Number of layers

It is recommended that <detector-name>_Design class should have:

  • method Construct(<detector-name>_Config, G4VPhysicalVolume *motherVolume) which constructs detector outer volume

  • method ConstructDetectors() which constructs inner detector geometry (e.g. GEM layers)

  • field G4VPhysicalVolume* which holds a pointer to detector outer volume (creted in Construct method)

  • field <detector-name>_Config that holds detector config given to it by Construct method

  • optional ConstructSDandField method is subdetector requires custom sensitive detector class or uses FieldManager (this is required for Geant4 multithreading model and is very well described in official documentation and here

/// Geometry construction
class ce_GEM_Design {

    /// This function constructs the outer GEM volume
    inline void Construct(ce_GEM_Config cfg, G4Material *outerMaterial, G4VPhysicalVolume *motherVolume) {
        ConstructionConfig = cfg;
        // Create outer volume for GEM detector
        Solid = new G4Tubs("ce_GEM_GVol_Solid", cfg.RIn, cfg.ROut, cfg.SizeZ / 2., 0., 360 * deg);
        Logical = new G4LogicalVolume(Solid, outerMaterial, "ce_GEM_GVol_Logic");
        PhysicalVolume = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, cfg.PosZ), "ce_GEM_GVol_Phys", Logical, motherVolume, false, 0);

    /// This function construct all GEM details
    inline void ConstructDetectors() {
        // ... GEM layers are constructed here

    G4VPhysicalVolume *PhysicalVolume;  // public pointer to the physical
    ce_GEM_Config  ConstructionConfig;  // public Parameters that was used in the moment of construction
                                           (copy constructed)
    //... all needed private variables

One can see the full example here: ce_GEM

3. Main-detector construction

Geant4 uses G4UserDetectorConstruction derived class in order to create a main-detector. There are currently two main-detector constructions:

DetectorConfig structure holds xxx_Config structures from all subdetectors.

So in order to render subdetector one has to:

  1. Add <subdetector-name>_Config to DetectorConfig class. It is recommended to name the field by the subdetector name

    struct DetectorConfig {
    // ...
    ce_GEM_Config ce_GEM
  2. Add <subdetector-name>_Design to ReferenceDetectorConstruction to render the subdetector as a part of ReferenceDetector

  3. Add <subdetector-name>_Design to SingleSubdetectorConstruction to render the subdetector alone

Example of adding ce_GEM to ReferenceDetectorConstruction

G4VPhysicalVolume *ReferenceDetectorConstruction::Construct()
    // ...
    if (USE_CE_GEM) {
        // Set rigt absolute Z position
        fConfig.ce_GEM.PosZ = -fConfig.cb_Solenoid.SizeZ / 2 + fConfig.ce_GEM.SizeZ / 2;

        // Construct outer volume inside the right mother
        ce_GEM.Construct(fConfig.ce_GEM, World_Material, cb_Solenoid.Phys);

        // Construct inner layers
    // ...

G4E ships several common SensitiveDetector (SD) classes. E.g. for calorimeter and tracking. Due to Geant4 multithreading one should add such common SD or custom SD in ConstructSDandField()

void ReferenceDetectorConstruction::ConstructSDandField()
    // ...
    if (USE_CE_GEM) {
        for (int lay = 0; lay < fConfig.ce_GEM.Nlayers; lay++) {
            SetSensitiveDetector(ce_GEM.Layers[lay].LogicName, fCalorimeterSD);
    // ...

P.S. Contrary to this example it is recommended that <subdetector-name>_Design class implemented some form of ConstructSD(…) method.

4. Changing subdetector parameters within a macro

It is easy to add ability to change detector configuration from macros / python API. G4GenericMessenger is used for that. Add a constructor to _Config file which define parameters like this:

struct ce_EMCAL_Config
    // ...
    double PWO_Thickness = 20. * cm;
    double PWO_Width = 2. * cm;
    double PWO_Gap = 0.01 * mm;

    // ...

    // Messenger to control initialization properties from geant config file
    inline ce_EMCAL_Config() {
        static G4GenericMessenger *Messenger;

        // Create a global messenger that will be used
        if(!Messenger) {
            // Set geant options
            Messenger = new G4GenericMessenger(this, "/eic/ce_EMCAL/");
            Messenger->DeclareProperty("pwoThickness", PWO_Thickness, "Thikness (z direction dimention) of PWO crystals ");
            Messenger->DeclareProperty("pwoWidth", PWO_Width, "Width (and higth) of each PWO crystal");
            Messenger->DeclareProperty("pwoGap", PWO_Gap, "Gap between PWO crystals ");

Now you can control those parameters from macros or python:

# Set PWO crystal width
# It is very important to put such values before /run/initialize
/eic/ce_EMCAL/pwoWidth 20

# ...
/run/beamOn 1000

(!) It is recommended that such commands was it format:


where command is given in a camelCase:

E.g. /eic/ce_EMCAL/pwoThickness

5. Extended initialization information

For more complex subdetector scenarios InitializationContext object can be passed to <subdetector-name>_Design constructor. This class holds the next information:

  1. UserArguments* Arguments - Holds information gained from user provided flags and G4E related environment variables This includes files to process, macro files, if it is batch job or GUI, multithreading, etc.;

  2. g4e::RootOutputManager* RootManager - Manages output CERN ROOT file and helper classes that writes data to the file;

  3. g4e::MultiActionInitialization* ActionInitialization - Allows to add UserActions EventAction, RunAction, per subdetector;

  4. EicPhysicsList* PhysicsList - Modular physics list

6. User Actions

class MultiActionInitialization allows to add multiple UserActions such as EventAction, SteppingAction

In order to work in Geant4 multithreading mode, each worker thread should create a new such user actions So this class accepts std::function-s that do such creations.

Example of usage:

  // Add stepping action that is executed on volume change
      auto action = new SomeUserSteppingAction(userVariable);
      return static_cast<G4UserSteppingAction*>(action);

(!) While users can create their UserSteppingAction it is recommended to use SensitiveDetector-a instead

7. ROOT output format

G4E creates “MainRootFile” - a root file which has TTree named ‘events’. This tree contains flat aligned arrays with data described in G4E output format

Subdetector designers may add their own trees with data (Trees names should correspond to subdetector name) or add branches following G4E flat data format. The former is recommended.

One can get access to GetMainRootFile through InitializationContext . Example:

class ce_EMCAL_Design

    ce_EMCAL_Design(g4e::InitializationContext *init):
        TFile* output = init->RootManager->GetMainRootFile()
        // ...

Example of adding detector data to flat output tree can be located here: FlatIoCe_EMCAL