# Include default setup
# Use jleic.mac for headless mode or jleicvis.mac for GUI visualization
/control/execute refdet.mac

# Select cone particle gun generator
# Other options are: particleGun hepmcAscii pythiaAscii beagle
/generator/select coneParticleGun

# List available particles. Invoke G4ParticleTable
# /generator/coneParticleGun/List

# Set particle to be generated.
# (geantino is default)
# (ion can be specified for shooting ions)
# Common names: proton, e- e+ pi+ pi-
/generator/coneParticleGun/particle e-

# if particle is ion
# Set properties of ion to be generated.
# [usage] /gun/ion Z A [Q E flb]
#         Z:(int) AtomicNumber
#         A:(int) AtomicMass
#         Q:(int) Charge of Ion (in unit of e)
#         E:(double) Excitation energy (in keV)
#         flb:(char) Floating level base
# /generator/coneParticleGun/ion Z A [Q E flb]

# Set momentum direction
# Direction needs not to be a unit vector
/generator/coneParticleGun/direction 0 0 -1

# Set kinetic energy [GeV]
/generator/coneParticleGun/energy 6 GeV

# Energy spread [GeV],
# energy is smeared as gauss (mean=<particle E>, stddev=energyStdDev)
/generator/coneParticleGun/energyStdDev 1 GeV

# Cone angle standard deviation.
# Basically is the resulding cone angle
/generator/coneParticleGun/coneAngleStdDev 15 deg

# Set momentum. This command is equivalent to two commands: /.../direction and /.../momentumAmp
# /generator/coneParticleGun/momentum 0 0 10

# Set absolute value of momentum [GeV]
# Direction should be set by /gun/direction command."
# This command should be used alternatively with /gun/energy."
# /generator/coneParticleGun/momentumAmp 20

# Set starting position of the particle [cm]
/generator/coneParticleGun/position 0 0 0

# Set starting position smearing of the particle [cm]
# works together as gaus(mean=position, stddev=positionStdDev)
# DefaultUnit - cm
/generator/coneParticleGun/positionStdDev 3 3 3

# Set initial time of the particle
# DefaultUnit - ns
# /generator/coneParticleGun/time

# Set polarization
# /generator/coneParticleGun/polarization Px Py Pz

# Set number of particles to be generated per event
/generator/coneParticleGun/number 1

# To control how many generation of secondaries (tracks and their hits) to save,
# there is a configuration:
#    /rootOutput/saveSecondaryLevel <ancestry-level>
# <ancestry-level> sets 0-n levels of ancestry which are saved in root file.
# Example:
# -1 - save everything
# 0 - save only primary particles
# 1 - save primaries and their daughters
# 2 - save primaries, daughters and daughters’ daughters
# n - save n generations of secondaries
# (primaries - particles that came from a generator/input file)
# The default level is 3, which corresponds to:
# /rootOutput/saveSecondaryLevel 3
# We set it to 1. If only vertex particles are of the interest, set it to 0
# This flag doesn't affect physics in g4e (only what is saved)
# so EM showers in EMCAL is fully simulated with any value here
# /rootOutput/saveSecondaryLevel 0

/run/beamOn 1000